Saturday, November 24, 2007

my avatar

gotta love this!! okay she looks much better than I do but I had fun making her up! :o)

Meez 3D avatar avatars games


Nicole Wilson Conley said...

i tagged you.
go see

Josh and Donna said...

that's hilarious! i love your avatar!

The Monier Family said...

Hi there. I attend Open Door Baptist and Angela Gilbreath told me about your website.
I took the photography class during the women's Saturday back in October and LOVED it. It was so informative and overall piqued my interest in photography.
May I add this blog as one of my favorites on my blog's list? Your photos are spectacular!

Justine Ungaro said...

That's hilarious, I love it!

Justin and Gi said...

My name is Justin Hime and I work for a local Christian Foundation in the Raleigh area and heard about your work through Amber Bowen and Hugh & Hollie Carson. I wanted to contact you about potentially doing some work for us on a fairly large project for the foundation...which I can explain. Would you mind giving me a call sometime and I would be excited to share this project with you. My number at the office is 676-8100 *22. Thanks and I look forward to your call.