Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Crate and Barrel Mall Madness

Dan, Brittany and I braved the mall today for the Grand After Christmas Crate and Barrel Sale. And Yes, they did have some great sales...after standing in line for 15 minutes to just get into the store, they better have some sales. I had prayed that God would help me stay within budget and not go crazy just because EVERYTHING had a red clearance sale price on it. (My personal spending weakness) WELL... I picked out a few things and after getting mulitple evil eyes...being bumped into 20+ times...and witnessing several actual fights over store items and getting into the store, I go to get in line and realize that people who were halfway from the beginning of the checkout line and the register told me they had been in line for an hour and a half! PRAYER WORKS, because I didn't have any trouble putting down my few sale items and walking out of the store and being able to breathe again! It was insane. It really helped put things in perspective. Is it worth treating people like they are meaningless obstacles in your way to attain an ornament that's normally $8 on sale for $4? I hope I never lose sight that people are far more valuable than any object, on sale or not!

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