Thursday, January 4, 2007

photography meets inspiration

One of my favorite things about photography is the way it can bring words to life! remember the ole' saying a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, I don't think that a picture is quite worth the profound truth and wisdom and life found in the bible but I have found that when you put scriptures onto photos it seems to bring the photo to life and also to leave a lasting impression on those who see/read it! Desiring God website is great for these art expressions on their home page.

Here is one that I was just messing around with. I read this in Psalms 4today and it just reminded me that joy is priceless and when I'm surrounded by messages of wealth=happiness on T.V. such as game shows, sweepstakes, even great shows like Extreme Home MakeOver leaves me longing for a nicer home and looking at what I don't have. Not that having nice things or even money is wrong but it's when you think that without it you can't be happy or that the pursuit of money is greater than your pursuit of happiness found in Christ and His Word. I have Christ and thus have all l need for happiness! Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you! Matthew 6:33


Nicole Wilson Conley said...

ok, so you know i'm your biggest fan, right? that picture is beautiful! now we need to market things like this - sell them as a pack of postcards or notecards with ribbon around them. love you! can't wait to hang out tonight! :-)

Casey Nichols Chappell said...

thanks love, I'll take them and you market them! Lifeway would eat them up eh! And they need some original cards in there anyway. WE'll have to brainstrom some new ideas!
See you tonight.